Dental Diagnosis & X ray
Smile Carve is a multispecialty dental hospital with dedicated dental experts. Our experienced oral medicine and radiologist and team of dental surgeons are dedicated for your oral health. We are experts in diagnosing different common and rare oral diseases like dental abcess, cyst and tumors, gum diseases, burning mouth, difficulty in mouth opening or trismus, oral submucus fibrosis (OSMF), lichen planus, leukoplakia, ulcers of mouth, gingivitis, periodontitis, bleeding gums, bad breath, oral cancer, etc.; dental problems such as dental cavities or caries, fluorosis, dental sensitivity, diseases of jaws and muscles, TMJ pain, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.
We have OPG, cone beam CT scan, digital scanner, in house digital dental X ray service (RVG) and other ultra modern diagnostic facilities.
Dental Tourism Program
If you are visiting Jaipur and seeking dental or hair loss services then Smile Carve is best destination for you
Our centre is one of the most preferred centre by foreign patients in Jaipur. We provide quick appointments, specialized rapid treatment by specialized doctors. We use internationally recommended materials hence maintaining standards and quality of treatment with equivalent charges as fixed for Indian patients. Our doctors ensure to provide you with all the details and post treatment consultations whenever you need. Our centre provides online appointments, stay and transport facilities. The clinic staff will make sure to provide you most comfortable appointments so that you can enjoy your holidays and explore our wonderful pink city.

Common question patient's
have about this service!
Q. Do you have any specia
list for diagnosing difficult cases?A. Yes. Dr. Anushri Ranjan is a MDS, Oral Medicine & Radiologist and Dr. Ravi Sharma is a MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon with 10+ years of experience and advanced and super specialty post graduate training. We have dedicated team of endodontist, prosthodontist, periodontist, pedodontist, oral pathologist and dental surgeons for all your dental needs.
Q. What are the various major oral conditions you diagnose and treat?
A. We have vast experience in diagnosing and managing oral submucus fibrosis (OSMF), burning mouth, trismus (difficulty in mouth opening), lichen planus, leukoplakia, precancerous lesions, infections of jaws, jaw fractures, cyst and tumors, difficult extractions, dental caries, space infections, TMJ disorders, etc.
Q. What are the radiology or blood tests you may need?
A. Our specialist will check you thoroughly and might advise you appropriate tests. We have in house digital X ray, scan and other modern facilities. The full mouth X ray (OPG), cone beam CT scan, dentascan facility is situated adjacent to our clinic. The MRI and blood investigations facilities are available at nearby diagnostic labs. Do not go for any tests without doctors advise.
Q. What are the facilities available for serious or major patients?
A. We have tie ups with nursing homes and several hospitals for IPD services, major surgery cases or ICU admissions. We have chain of several doctors (orthopaedic, ENT, dermatology, plastic surgeon, general physician, neuro, cardio, intensive care, anesthetist, physiotherapist, etc.) for needful referral and care. Our dedicated team is available 24X7 for any emergency consultation and care.
Q. What are the facilities available for foreigners/international patients or medical tourism?
A. If you are looking for needful dental treatment in Jaipur then you can definitely trust us. We have tie ups with leading hotels and tour agencies for your accommodation and travel planning. Our team are available online for your pre trip treatment planning, preparations and post operative care and follow up. We have fast track treatment facilities available to accommodate your treatment in short time and as per your convenience. Every year our clinic has almost 100+ patients from out of city and abroad with comfortable experience and positive feedback. Our charges are also standardised and do not differ for international and national patients.
Why Do People Trust Us?
Our happy patients are the biggest treasure for us. We are thankful for all their support and their trust in us.