Dental Extractions
Dental extraction, commonly known as tooth extraction, is a dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. This procedure is typically performed for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, advanced gum disease, trauma, overcrowding, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment.
There are two primary types of dental extractions: simple extractions and surgical extractions. Simple extractions are performed on visible teeth and involve loosening the tooth with an instrument called an elevator before using forceps to remove it. This type of extraction is usually quick and straightforward, often done under local anesthesia.
On the other hand, surgical extractions are more complex and involve the removal of teeth that may be broken, impacted, or not fully erupted. The dentist or oral surgeon may need to make an incision in the gum tissue and, in some cases, may need to section the tooth or remove bone to extract it successfully. Surgical extractions are often performed with local anesthesia, conscious sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case and the patient’s preferences.

Common question patient's
have about this service!
Q. Pain during and after wisdom tooth removal?
A. The wisdom tooth surgery or transalveolar surgery is routinely done under local anesthesia. The surgeon will numb your jaw and after that the procedure can be quite comfortable. Once the wisdom tooth is out, the surgeon will put sutures and will advise you appropriate medications including pain killers.
Q. What are the side effects of wisdom teeth extraction?
A. The wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure done at every dental clinic. The common risks and complications can be pain, bleeding, swelling, trismus (difficulty in opening mouth) which can be managed easily. Post operative infection can occur which require antibiotics. Sometimes the nerve may be injured during the procedure which can cause numbness or loss of sensation or paresthesia and may require appropriate treatment. Other rare complications can be bone fracture, delayed wound healing, remnant tooth portion or instrument breakage, TMJ issues.
Q. What is the cost of wisdom teeth surgery (transalveolar extraction/surgical extraction of teeth/impacted tooth surgery)
A. Depend on the condition. The wisdom teeth surgery may cost around 2000-6000 Rupees depending on the severity of tooth impaction and other factors.
Q. What are the reason for impacted wisdom teeth?
A. Impacted wisdom teeth are common . They can occur due to smaller jaw size, incorrect postion of the developing tooth, infection, trauma, pathology, genetics and hormones, etc.
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