Jaw Surgery
Our team of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, facial plastic surgeons and orthodontists have wide experience in different types of jaw surgeries such as:-
Orthognathic Surgery is a surgical correction of bone asymmetries or discrepancies. Examples include correction of jaw elongation, prognathic mandible, retrognathic maxilla or mandible, protruded chin or flat chin, cheek bone surgeries, Medpore implants, zygomatic implants, chin implants, facial plastic surgery. The few examples of orthognathic surgeries are BSSO, genioplasty, Le fort osteotomy, etc.
The Face Trauma surgery is needed to treat different types of jaw fractures including mandible fractures, maxilla fracture, nasal bone fracture, TMJ fracture, etc., treatment of the injuries of the face and jaws, etc. We routinely perform intermaxillary fixation (IMF), bone plating, soft tissue repair, etc.
Our maxillofacial Surgery unit is well equipped to handle and manage simple to complex jaw cysts and tumors, periapical cysts, dentigerous cysts, OKC, etc.

Common question patient's
have about this service!
Q. Do you do cosmetic facial surgeries?
A. Yes we do several surgical and non surgical facial correction procedures. The surgical correction involve in depth planning and team approach treatment between orthodontist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon and other specialists.
Q. I have fracture of jaw. What will be the process and recovery time?
A. The fracture of jaws commonly occur during road accidents, sports, fights or falls. Our oral surgeons will examine you and will ask for X rays or CT scan if needed. There are conservative approach and surgical treatment for jaw fractures. The conservative approach is feasible in cases of simple, favourable or non displaced fractures while surgery (Open reduction and Internal Fixation or ORIF) is needed in case of complicated cases. The untreated fractures may lead to non union, mal union, infection, osteomyelitis, trismus, malocclusion and other complications. The recovery time may be around 4-8weeks.
Q. What is jaw cyst removal surgery?
A. Sometimes some cyst, tumor or pathology may develop inside the upper or lower jaw due to dental cavities, infection, trauma, tobacco, etc. Such cysts or tumors can be removed from the jaw to prevent further destruction of bone, spread of the pathology, loss of teeth and risk of malignancy.
Q. Can jaw surgeries be done in local anesthesia?
A. Several complicated surgeries require proper hospitalization and management under general anesthesia in operation theatre but some procedures can be done as outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
Why Do People Trust Us?
Our happy patients are the biggest treasure for us. We are thankful for all their support and their trust in us.