Gum Surgery
Periodontal Surgery or commonly known as gum surgeries are the surgical procedures involving gums and bones around the teeth. The periodontal surgeries can be of different types. Gum contouring surgeries can be gingivolplasty or gingivectomies where the unwanted growth of the gums can be removed surgically. Sometimes it can be done for aesthetic recontouring of the gums in gummy smile, gingival enlargement, etc. Flap Surgeries refer to taking a part of gum or tissue from one area and then placing over the defective gums. The soft tissue flaps or gingival grafts are commonly used in large defects or loss of gums.
Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) is one of the advanced procedure to regenerate or restore lost part of bone and gums around the teeth. It can be achieved with the help of bone grafts, GTR membranes, flaps, etc. Bone Grafting Procedure is another important procedure involving placement of bone grafts into the bony defects of the jaws. The bone grafting procedure is indicated in cases of moderate to severe bone loss in the jaws which can be due to periodontitis (pyorrhea), undue forces on the teeth and bone, high amount of deposit of plaque and calculus, etc.
Crown lengthening is the common technique of removing superficial gums to achieve better height of the teeth on which crown has to be placed. Crown lengthening procedure increases height of the teeth thereby providing more surface area, better stability and retention to the crown. Gum depigmentation procedure involves removing dark brown or black pigmentation from gums which can be due to smoking, drugs, tobacco, hormones, etc.

Common question patient's
have about this service!
Q. What types of periodontal surgeries you perform?
A. We commonly perform crown lengthening, bone grafting, flap surgeries, gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, gum bleaching or depigmentation, gum recontouring procedures, Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR), deep root cleaning and curettage, etc.
Q. What type of periodontal diseases do you treat?
A. If you are searching for gum diseases treatment in Jaipur then do consider our center. We commonly encounter and treat gingivitis and periodontitis (pyorrhea), gum enlargement (gingival enlargement or swelling), gum pigmentation, gingival tumors, bone loss, mobile teeth, loose teeth, exposed root of the tooth treatment, etc.
Q. Do you treat bleeding gums?
A. Yes, we treat bleeding gums very often. Bleeding gums, teeth staining, teeth discoloration, loosening of teeth or mobile teeth, sensitivity, gum swelling, ect. are the common problem worldwide and we treat them in most effective and conservative manner.
Q. Treatment for teeth sensitivity?
A. Depend on the cause. The leading causes for the teeth sensitivity are caries, gum recession, tooth fracture, periodontal disease, abrasion, faulty filling, etc.
Why Do People Trust Us?
Our happy patients are the biggest treasure for us. We are thankful for all their support and their trust in us.